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Toggle Widget

 Superclass:	Command

 Name		     Class		RepType		Default Value
 ----		     -----		-------		-------------
 radioGroup          RadioGroup         Widget          NULL              +
 radioData           RadioData          Pointer         (XPointer) Widget  ++
 state               State              Boolean         Off

 background	     Background		Pixel		XtDefaultBackground
 bitmap		     Pixmap		Pixmap		None
 border		     BorderColor	Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
 borderWidth	     BorderWidth	Dimension	1
 callback	     Callback		Pointer		NULL
 cursor		     Cursor		Cursor		None
 destroyCallback     Callback		Pointer		NULL
 font		     Font		XFontStructx*	XtDefaultFont
 foreground	     Foreground		Pixel		XtDefaultForeground
 height		     Height		Dimension	text height
 highlightThickness  Thickness		Dimension	2
 insensitiveBorder   Insensitive	Pixmap		Gray
 internalHeight	     Height		Dimension	2
 internalWidth	     Width		Dimension	4
 justify	     Justify		XtJustify	XtJustifyCenter
 label		     Label		String		NULL
 mappedWhenManaged   MappedWhenManaged	Boolean		True
 resize		     Resize		Boolean		True
 sensitive	     Sensitive		Boolean		True
 width		     Width		Dimension	text width
 x		     Position		Position	0
 y		     Position		Position	0

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