Cynbe's SML/NJ Page
I got interested in SML/NJ summer of 2004, which I spent surveying
various functional and mostly-functional programming languages. I
finally settled on SML/NJ as my favorite because:
- It is the de facto standard implementation in the field,
supported by half a dozen leading figures in the field, so it
is quite unlikely be orphaned and leave me high and dry.
- The maintainers are top people -- one can do worse than pick
a platform based on who you get to work with!
- SML/NJ is the de facto standard guinea pig in the field, so
there are lots of PhD thesis project type extensions to it
lying around free for the taking. In particular, the CMU
Venari Project implemented persistence, multiprocessing,
concurrency, and transactions on top of SML/NJ -- which are
all things I consider critically important.
- SML/NJ is based on an incremental compile-into-the-heap model
much like that of Smalltalk, MUDs, X/emacs and such. Since
I'd like to implement things like that, the architecture is
a win from my point of view.
- SML/NJ has a liberal Berkeley-style license, so I'm free to
hack up a storm without fear of lawyers and lawsuits. (I'd
also be happy with GPL, but Ocaml's QPL is an albatross I'd
rather not have hanging around my neck.)
To date, I've been busy learning the
SML/NJ internals -- I've put together a page
for anyone else crazy enough to diving into the internal plumbing.
Onward to Cynbe's SML/NJ Internals Page.
Back to Cynbe's ML Page.
Cynbe ru Taren
Last modified: Mon Jan 24 18:36:11 CST 2005