Here's a screen dump
of one of my Biostr programs (Morpho, running under Skandha4,
my programmable 3-D visualization toolkit)
being used to trace outlines of the male NLM Visible
Human Project subject, a guy killed by Texas. I think
I'll have a T-bone steak for dinner, yupyup.
Here's another screen dump of one of my
Biostr programs (Xmri, also running under Skandha4), this time
illustrating visualization of a 3-D dataset by displaying orthogonal
slices through the data. The data happens to be an MRI scan of my
brain, so you may consider the image to be a self-portrait. Don't you
think MRI scans display more of the real person than just a
traditional photo of the skin? grin
Here's a screen
dump of xmri configured to do mapping of
language sites, with an intra-operative photo
at top and an MRI-derived computer reconstruction
at bottom.
(Both the above look better at 1280x1024 pixels and
in 24-bit color.)
If you can display QuickTime animations,
here is a short (1Meg)
zoom through a human (not mine) brainstem,
generated by another of my programs (Skandha3).